Upshift StrikeRacer is high-octane car combat designed with quick short game sessions in mind. Live the fantasy of making your combat car, bolting heavy ordinance to it, then racing your friends while blowing each other up! It’s ballistic carnage in a free, easy to play format. Beyond StrikeRacing, you can Upshift yourself to a higher plane in the Clubs, easy-to form online communities that you can make for free (coming soon).
Upshift StrikeRacer is a free-to-play game, meaning you don’t pay a cent to play if you don’t want to. Many of the vehicles, body kits, accessory kits, weapons, finishes, and special items can be bought only with the Reputation you generate by StrikeRacing. However, some items can only be bought with Potatoes, the prized tuber that forms the basis of the future economy. Items can be bought inside the game itself, or at our Item Shop (coming soon).
» Author: dtd. 19.07.2007
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 2247
» Rating: 1.91 at 11 Votes