Free Games Pizza Pronto

Help the pizza pronto chef to create the best pizza delivery ever known! Serve your customers with a big smile and ofcourse on time! Buy upgrades for your restaurant and reach the daily goals!
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Free Games Cheat AyoDance

Ayo dance sekarang banyak di main anak -anak :
- download cheat nya
- download password zipnya
- Extract dari winrar di harddisk anda. misalnya disk C.
- Akan ada dua folder, yaitu : cheat dan HSHIELD
- Pilih yang folder cheat, klik autof9 perfect delay 75 langsung pilih start
- klik injector dan cari bagian HSHIELD trus pilih perfectX65.dll, langsung centangin Lock it!
- Log-in ke ID ayodance anda
- enjoy and have fun !!!
Pasword Here / klik Here
Urban Terror 4.1

Terror is a mod turned standalone that´s on the Quake 3 engine. It features realistic gameplay, much like in Counter Strike, except for a twist: you can jump off of walls and do other crazy things like that. Also, all the weapons are available at spawn, instead of a buy system. The same applies to the equipment. Another interesting idea is instead of realistic looking skins, there are orange and blue teams.
Download Here
Pc CD-Rom Games