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Based on the best-selling award-winning Xbox title Fable, Fable: The Lost Chapters is now fully optimized for the Windows platform complete with expanded content, greater customization, new quests and enhanced graphics. In this groundbreaking role-playing adventure game from Lionhead Studios, your every action determines your character's skills, appearance and morality. Your character's life story is created from childhood through to adulthood and on to old age. Grow from an inexperienced child into the most powerful being in the world, spoken of by all and immortalized in legend. As additional story and side quests await, choose the path of righteousness, or dedicate your life to evil, and see yourself transform into a reflection of your actions and decisions. Age leaves you wizened and battle leaves you scarred as you explore the world of Albion and the plethora of expanded and enhanced content.
Microsoft® Windows® XP PC with 1.4 GHz equivalent or higher processor 256 MB of system RAM 3 GB available hard disk space 32x speed or faster CD-ROM drive 64 MB shader capable video card required Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
This is the game released in 2005 based on the movie Starship Troopers. Although many games based on movies royally suck, this one is an exception. Features a deep plot and intense multiplayer including cooperative campaign gameplay.
In the best-selling Star Wars: Empire at War, you controlled an entire war for the Star Wars galaxy as the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire. Now, face off against them in Star Wars® Empire at War™: Forces of Corruption™ This expansion pack presents a new, unique point of view of the Galactic Civil War as, for the first time ever, you play as an aspiring Underworld figure. Corruption runs through your veins and drives your desire to become the most notorious criminal leader since Jabba the Hutt.
The Rebels have just destroyed the Death Star, and the galaxy is in turmoil. In other words, it’s just the time that you, an ambitious criminal genius named Tyber Zann, have been waiting for. Quench your thirst for power as you build and lead your own forces of scum and villainy. Spread corruption throughout the galaxy using new strategic gameplay elements to influence other factions, steal their funds, slow their production, spy on them and more.
Exciting new land-tactical options like customizable, upgradeable bases and guerilla warfare allow for innovative battlefield tactics. Take command of and confront new fighting units for all factions (Rebel B-wings, Imperial TIE interceptors, Super Star Destroyers and more). Take down anyone who stands in your way of ruling the Underworld, be they new battlefield heroes like Luke Skywalker and Yoda, or even your most bitter rival – Jabba the Hutt.
The ultimate prize awaits: an immense Super Star Destroyer known as the Eclipse. Spanning the length of nearly 11 of the Star Destroyers seen in the original Empire at War, this deadliest capital ship in the galaxy comes equipped with a superlaser rivaling that of the Death Star. With it under your control, no one will remember the name Jabba the Hutt – Tyber Zann will be the most feared crime lord the Underworld has ever seen
After a brief prologue on the U.S.S. Voyager and a short stint at Starfleet Academy, the Hazard Team is assigned its toughest mission yet – duty onboard the Federation’s renowned flagship, the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-E. Powered by id Software’s QUAKE III: Team Arena engine, Star Trek Elite Force II permits players to break out of the confines of ship bulkheads and spacestation corridors, and undertake away team missions in open environments such as expansive alien landscapes, the void of space and deadly swamps. Additionally, players must master zero-gravity combat when they do battle on the hull of a starship.
Now set in the Star Trek: The Next Generation® universe, players can expect to face off against classic Star Trek antagonists such as the Borg, Klingons and Romulans. Players will also fight several never before seen alien species including a mysterious nightmare race. To help players gain the upper hand against such formidable foes, Star Trek Elite Force II allows players to arm themselves with 13 different weapons and gear including a phaser™, compression rifle, multi-functional grenade launcher, Romulan disruptor, tetryon gatling gun, a full-featured tricorder™, and several all-new weapons.
Windows 95/98/Me/2000; CD-ROM